Arab talent? There is such a thing – but employers have not yet discovered it
All the plans written for the future labor market emphasize that intensive care is required in marginalized populations, those who currently suffer from under-representation in the labor market – and that even when they integrate into it, it is usually in basic jobs and low wages. The problem also exists when it comes to those with an academic education who fail to integrate into the fields they have studied. On the other hand, the job market demands, and will require much more in the future, more and more talents in various fields with soft skills, creativity and fresh thinking. In this way, two labor markets are created – the one that needs new forces, and the one that has difficulty entering into the required jobs.
Sami Assad, VP of Kav Mashve, an organization that deals with the integration of Arabs in the labor market, mentions that according to Social Security data, the birth rate today and given the fact that these are young populations, by 2060 Arabs and ultra-Orthodox will make up 50% of Israel’s population – hence there will be an increase in their part of the labor market